The most degenerate guessing game on Solana

Pay it forward. Pump your bags.

Noot Money is a multiplayer race-to-the-answer game that rewards recent winners, random players, and Solana Communities.

Rewards are distributed immediately on every play, and eligibility lasts for a full 24 hours!


Beyond Solana.

Keep your assets liquid with Noot Money's unique real-time distribution model. From SOL to USDC and every crypto in-between, there's a prize for every occasion!

Don't speculate with rugs and degen mints; come get some of this Noot Money instead! 🚀

Earn without winning.

Noot Money's innovative 24-hour prize window means that even if you don't win, you might still come out ahead!

The more people who play, the more opportunities there are to earn. ☀️

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Gargolon awakens

$PESKY Utility 😤

Double your chances (or halve your costs!) by deploying $PESKY!

With increased Snowball volume and rising $PESKY demand, there's no telling where the Pesky Penguins are going to land.

🐧 🚀 🌔

Collect my $PESKYTrade $PESKY